User Guide
Sensitive Data Finder Settings
Sensitive Data Finder Settings is where you manage your settings for:
Scans Settings is where you manage your settings for:
Subject Request Data Types including PII (Personally Identifiable Data) Data Types
Data Inventory
Disclosure and Response Templates
Expand a section for more information:

To access the Finder Settings screen:
1. From the left menu, click Settings.
2. Click Application Settings.
3. Click Finder Settings.
4. Click a down arrow to expand a section:
Subject Request Configuration
Disclosure and Response Templates
Regulations Definitions

1. Expand out the Subject Request Configuration section.
2. Do one of the following:
a. Locate the PII Data Type you want to include or exclude in the list.
b. Type the PII Data type in the search box and the results are displayed in the list below.
3. Use the toggle in the Included column to include or exclude a data type:
a. Include a data type:
b. Exclude a data type:
4. A toast message will appear to confirm the inclusion or exclusion of the data type.

1. Expand out the Disclosure and Response Templates section.
2. Do any of the following:

1. Locate the template you want to manage in the list.
2. On the far right of the row, click the more options menu.
3. Click Manage.
4. In the Manage Custom Disclosure pop-up window, make needed changes.
5. Click Update to save changes or Cancel to discard.
Note: You can delete a template from the Manage Template screen using the Delete button. This action is immediate and there is no undo function.

1. Click + New Template.
2. In the Create New Response Template pop-up window, fill in the following:
a. Name: Type the name of the new Template (required).
b. Slide the Active toggle to the right to deploy the new Template. You can always deploy it later. See Manage Subject Request Configurations.
c. In the Body section, type the contents of the new Template. You can use the edit toolbar and Insert Variable features to write the new Template.
3. Click Save to save the new Template or Cancel to discard.

1. Locate the template you want to delete in the list.
2. On the far right of the row, click the more options menu.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click Confirm to delete or Cancel to discard.

1. Expand out the Regulations Definitions section.
2. Do any of the following:

1. Locate the regulation you want to manage in the list.
2. On the far right of the row, click the more options menu.
3. Click Manage.
4. In the Edit Regulation Definition pop-up window, made needed changes.
5. Click Save and Add to save or Cancel to discard.

1. Click + Regulation Definition.
2. In the New Regulation Definition pop-up window, do the following:
a. Regulation Name: Type the name of the regulation.
b. Days to Complete Regulation Request: Type the number of days to comply with the regulation.
c. New Regulation Definition: Select all applicable Request and Report Types.
Request Types:
Report Types:
d. Regulation Description: Type a short description of the regulation.
e. Regulation Source URL: Type the link to the regulation.
f. Click Create a Custom Disclosure.
g. In the Create New Response Template pop-up window, do the following:
1) Name: Type the name of the new template.
2) Body: Use the edit window to compose the body of the new template.
3) Click Save to save the new template or Cancel to discard.
h. Select the new template from the regulation drop-down list.
i. Click Save and Add to save the new definition or Cancel to discard.